Current Initiative
Nunavut Agreement Oral History Project
Beth Biggs :: Armond Angootealuk
- Isugjuk: Whispers, Messages, RememberBeth Biggs
- Oral History of the Nunavut NegotiationsHolly Dobbins
- Thomas Suluk
- Stephen Kakfwi
- Rhoda Karetak
- Raymond Ningeocheak
- Ollie Ittinuar
- Mike Shouldice
- Michael Kusugak
- Mary Rose Angoshadluk
- Louis Taparti, Jr.
- James Wah-Shee
- James Eetoolook
- Jack Kupeuna, Sr.
- Helen Maksagak
- Emily Angulalik
- Elizabeth Kusugak
- Charlie Evalik
- Catherine Pilakapsi
- Bobby Kadlun
- Bob Gamble
- Bernadette Dean
- Nunavut Land Claims Agreement ProjectInuksuk High School Journalism Class
- Political Beginnings - How Nunavut Was ConceivedPeter Ittinuar
- The Creation of NunavutJessica Patterson
- Spirit and IntentMadeleine Redfern
- A Photographic History
- Funders